Thursday 28 March 2013

Week 10- FYP 1 Presentation

         This FYP 1 presentation took place in Gemilang Hall at UniKL BMI. There was all together 160 participant involve in this presentation and I was be sitted at table number 137. Two days before the presentation, I get to know my assessors from the notice board at level 1 academic block. They were Miss Pusparini Dewi and Sir Akram Dandu.

          My presentation went well with both my assessors as I was able to answer confidently most of the question that they asked me regarding the project. I try to show my confidence by a good facial expression as it will be one point for my assessors to check my confidence level on knowledge I posses and whether I able to defense my point. Below is the cover of my presentation slide I used during the presentation.

            I also made circuit simulation for checking charging time of series and parallel super capacitor connection as shown below. Unfortunately, the simulation does not work out.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Week 9-Methodology

     In this chapter, the idea about this project will be explained more clearly with the project workflow that to be used as the guide to do this project step by step until obtaining the expected and satisfied results and make it a successful one. The block diagram of this project will provide information regarding the parts and circuitry used in this project with its function and specification. The flow chart of the system discuss on design and functionality of this project.
Project Workflow:
Block Diagram:

Flow Chart of System:

Friday 15 March 2013

Week 8-Objective


  1. To produce fast charging portable power supply. 
  2. To use Super Capacitor as charge storage that can store a lot of charge and supply charge for long hours.

Friday 8 March 2013

Week 7-Problem Statement

                 There are two problems that lead to this project creation and development. The first one is about charging up a battery which takes long hour to fully charge up, that is around 1 to 15 hour for small and large charge capacity rechargeable battery respectively. For small electronic devices that have embedded or replaceable rechargeable battery in it such as MP3/4, Walkman, hand phone, PDA, and I Pad, around 1 to 2 hours will be needed to fully charge it up. For large charge capacity rechargeable battery, such as power bank, around 12 to 15 hours is required to charge it up to full capacity.
                 The second problem is about lack of portable power supply that uses clean energy which is environment friendly. The diesel and petrol generator uses non-renewable natural resource that will finish “one day”. Increase in population of human kind, together with increase in their daily life necessity which requires the use of natural resource in abundant, shows that the “one day” will come very soon. Besides diesel and petrol generator, the Power Bank itself also uses non-renewable natural resource as it need to be charged using wall power supply which are mainly produced or generated using non-renewable natural resource. Only few percent out of 100% of energy generated throughout the world uses renewable energy, for example solar, wind, tidal, hydro and many more. These generators which use fuels also emit air pollutant and water pollutant that harms the environment, human being, and all the other living things. 

            One more things is that, the portable power supply available today still depend on raw material and wall power supply to operate and fully charged. Develop and implementing this project will help to reduce these problems. For problem concerning the environment, it still helps to reduce those problems as electronic products being produced in abundant and continuously, may use the portable power supply product from this project instead of using supply from wall power supply which produced from non-renewable natural resource.

Friday 1 March 2013

Week 6-Introduction _continue..

Super Capacitor

                 Super Capacitors also called Ultra Capacitors and electric double layer capacitors (EDLC) are capacitors with capacitance values greater than any other capacitor type available today. Capacitance values reaching up to 400 Farads in a single standard case size are available. Super Capacitors have the highest capacitive density available today with densities so high that these capacitors can be used to applications normally reserved for batteries. Super Capacitors are not as volumetrically efficient and are more expensive than batteries but they do have other advantages over batteries making the preferred choice in applications requiring a large amount of energy storage to be stored and delivered in bursts repeatedly.
                 The most significant advantage Super Capacitors have over batteries is their ability to be charged and discharged continuously without degrading like batteries do. This is why batteries and Super Capacitors are used in conjunction with each other. The Super Capacitors will supply power to the system when there are surges or energy bursts, since Super Capacitors can be charged and discharged quickly while the batteries can supply the bulk energy since they can store and deliver larger amount energy over a longer slower period of time.
                 In Super Capacitor construction, what makes Super Capacitors different from other capacitors types are the electrodes used in these capacitors. Super Capacitors are based on a carbon (nanotube) technology. The carbon technology used in these capacitors creates a very large surface area with an extremely small separation distance. Capacitors consist of 2 metal electrodes separated by a dielectric material. The dielectric not only separates the electrodes but also has electrical properties that affect the performance of a capacitor. Super Capacitors do not have a traditional dielectric material like ceramic, polymer films or aluminium oxide to separate the electrodes but instead have a physical barrier made from activated carbon that when an electrical charge is applied to the material, a double electric field is generated which acts like a dielectric. The thickness of the electric double layer is as thin as a molecule. The surface area of the activated carbon layer is extremely large, yielding several thousands of square meters per gram. This large surface area allows for the absorption of a large amount of ions.
              The charging/discharging occurs in an ion absorption layer formed on the electrodes of activated carbon. The activated carbon fibre electrodes are impregnated with an electrolyte where positive and negative charges are formed between the electrodes and the impregnate. The electric double layer formed becomes an insulator until a large enough voltage is applied and current begins to flow. The magnitude of voltage where charges begin to flow is where the electrolyte begins to break down. This is called the decomposition voltage. The double layers formed on the activated carbon surfaces can be illustrated as a series of parallel RC circuits.